Resources & Program Recordings

On May 7, 2019, PMC and the Philadelphia Bar Association held a 90-minute forum with candidates for Pennsylvania's Superior Court at The Free Library of Philadelphia's Parkways Central Library.
In partnership with Focus on Renewal and Magisterial District Judge Bruce Boni, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts held this Housing Court 101 workshop. This presentation will help build knowledge and confidence by guiding you through the process. It will cover how a case gets to court, courtroom etiquette, what happens in the courtroom and the physical set-up of the court.
In partnership with the Hill District Consensus Group and Magisterial District Judge Oscar J. Petite, Jr., Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts presented this Housing Court 101 workshop.

As a part of our mission to educate the public on all Pennsylvania judicial matters, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts monitored and provided information on judicial candidates running in the 2019 cycle. Our primary focus included, but was not limited to, Appellate Court and Court of Common Pleas

Around the world, the idea that a judge could be elected seems rather perplexing. Typically, most nations utilize an appointment system that is akin to the procedures used in selecting federal judges in the United States.

With the Support of the Pittsburgh Foundation, PMC has created a handbook to guide landlords and tenants through conflicts. In creating the handbook, we found that there were few existing resources that provide this information. Therefore, our Handbook on Rules and Procedures for Landlord-Tenant

Through PMC Shares™, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts goes into communities to hold workshops on a variety of court-related issues. The first step in increasing access to justice is helping people understand how the courts function.

This workshop on Court Basics was held at Chestnut Hill College

Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts 30th Anniversary Gala - Keynote Address

Judge Timothy K. Lewis - October 25, 2018

It's an honor to be here for the 30th anniversary of PMC.

As Maida noted recently, it's take three decades of hard work and coalition-building to arrive at the precipice of a merit

What kinds of cases will I hear as a juror?

Jurors hear either criminal or civil cases.

In criminal cases, a district attorney acting on behalf of the citizens of Pennsylvania prosecutes a case against an individual or an entity accused of a crime. The district attorney is also referred to as the

Philadelphia Bail Watch Report

Findings and Recommendations based on 611 Bail Hearings

Presented by the Philadelphia Bail Fund & Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts

October 15, 2018

The Philadelphia Bail Fund and Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts launched Philadelphia Bail Watch in April 2018 in