Continuing Legal & Judicial Education
CLE & CJE Courses
Each year, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts provides a series of Continuing Legal Education and Continuing Judicial Education courses. These programs usually focus on the ethical issues surrounding high profile cases in Pennsylvania. They are held as webinars so they can be accessed by attorneys and judges across the Commonwealth.
Upcoming Programs
There are no upcoming programs planned at the moment. Please check back later for new programs.
PMC in the Community™ CLE Training Programs
In addition to our ethics courses, we also hold CLE programs which provide the training necessary to serve as an Ambassador within our outreach program, PMC in the Community™. If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, or have questions about the program, please email mjordan@pmconline.org.
Past Offerings
- Pennsylvania's Courts: Where Are They Now & Where Are They Going? | August 2022 (CLE)
- Remote Court Proceedings & Public Access: Lessons Learned During the Pandemic | October 2021 (CLE & CJE)
- Pennsylvania's Judicial Recusal Law Compared With That of Other States | April 2020 (CLE & CJE)
- Campaign Contributions & Judicial Recusal | February 2020 (CLE & CJE)
- The Current State of Pennsylvania Law on Judicial Recusal | November 2019 (CLE & CJE)
- Defending a High-Profile Defamation Case: Spanier v. Freeh | April 2019 (CLE)
- The Kids for Cash Scandal: Impact & Lessons Learned 10 Years Later | November 2018 & January 2019 (CLE & CJE)
- The Cosby Trials: Ethical Considerations and Impact of the #MeToo Movement | July 2018 (CLE)