Resources & Program Recordings

In this session, our presenters offer a refresher on Right to Know Law, the Freedom of Information Act, and Open Records.

Click here to watch a recording of the presentation. 


  • Paula Knudsen Burke, Local Legal Initiative Staff Attorney at Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
  • Melissa

This presentation discusses the First Amendment and shield laws, as well as legal challenges journalists may encounter in their careers.

Click here to watch a recording of the presentation.


  • Kaitlin Gurney, partner at Ballard Spahr LLP
  • Jane Kirtley, Silha Professor of Media Ethics and Law and

This session includes a group presentation on judicial conduct & misconduct. It covers both federal and state court disciplinary standards. This session is broken into three topics: The Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline, the Federal Judicial Accountability Report, and the Pennsylvania

In this session, three experts discuss factors that may be contributing to the public's decreasing confidence in the courts and the media. The conversation is moderated by Deborah Gross, President & CEO of Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts.

Click here to watch a recording of the discussion. 


This session included a presentation conducted by David Sonenshein, Professor Emeritus at Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law, on causes of wrongful convictions, including false confessions, erroneous eyewitness identifications, unscientific forensics, dishonest jailhouse informants

This session includes a presentation conducted by PMC Legal Intern, Grace Schaub, on the importance of navigating legal jargon in one’s personal and professional life.

Click here to watch a recording of the presentation. 

This was one of seven presentations during PMC's One-Day Law School for

This session includes a presentation conducted by Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts' President & CEO, Deborah R. Gross, Esq., on basic concepts in civil litigation, including the federal court system and the state court system.

Click here to watch a recording of the workshop. 

This was one of seven

PMC's 2023 One-Day Law School for Journalists included a presentation on The Lawyer's Guide to Legalese by Grace Schaub.

This document supplements that presentation and defines many common legal terms. 

Click here to download the supplemental document. 

This workshop discusses the reasons why a contract is a legally enforceable promise and how to enforce or defend it if it is broken. It also discusses the law with respect to tree issues – who is responsible for harm and damages. What actions can be taken and what elements need to be proven in order

This program discusses what legal papers you should have in your possession in case an unexpected event, such as illness, accident, or death occurs. These documents will help others take care of you properly if you are incapacitated and unable to communicate your wishes.

Click here to watch a