Say "No" To Judicial Redistricting

Map of Pennsylvania broken into districts with the text "Say No To Judicial Redistricting"

Join Indivisible Philadelphia, Fair Districts PA, and Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts to learn about the proposed PA Constitutional Amendment to create districts for PA statewide judges.

We need to learn about the Pennsylvania legislature's proposal to create districts for the PA statewide courts. This move will politicize the courts and put them under the pressure of the legislature. Find out at this meeting how we can stop this from happening. 


  1. Deborah R. Gross, President & CEO of Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts
  2. Carol Kuniholm, Chair of Fair Districts PA

This program will be held at both 1:00 PM and 7:00 PM on February 3rd. Please register for the time that works best for you. 

Click here to register for 1:00 PM.

Click here to register for 7:00 PM.

Event Details

Virtual Program