Resources & Program Recordings

Click here to watch the Supreme Court Candidates' Forum.

During this moderated forum, the candidates for Pennsylvania's Supreme Court answered questions about their experience and why they seek election to the Supreme Court. 

This forum was co-sponsored by PMC, the Pennsylvania Bar Association

This workshop discusses the different subject matters of each court, courtroom layout, how judges are selected, and how you can be a more knowledgeable citizen. The program was presented by PMC and the COY Public Library of Shippensburg.


  • Jeremy Gunn, Attorney
  • Deborah Gross

On February 22, 2021, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts was asked to speak to the Young Democrats of Allegheny County about the structure of Pennsylvania's courts, and Pennsylvania's judicial election system. The presentation was led by Superior Court Judge Carolyn Nichols, Allegheny County

Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts' fifth annual Judicial Independence Benefit was held as a virtual event on Thursday, November 19th. 

Mara Liasson, national political correspondent for NPR, was the event's keynote speaker. PMC also presented the Judge Edmund B. Spaeth, Jr. Award to Jeffrey Rosen

Throughout the summer, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts spotlighted many of Pennsylvania's Black judges to celebrate their accomplishments and bring attention to the need for more racial diversity in our judiciary. 

In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, we will highlight some of Pennsylvania's

In recognition of the countless contributions of Pennsylvania's Black judges to our judicial system, PMC will spotlight them on our website and social media accounts. By showcasing these individuals, we strive to celebrate their accomplishments, their dedication to justice and how they strengthened

On July 30, 2020, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts partnered with the University of Pittsburgh School of Law to hold a One-Day Law School for Journalists™.

This program included a presentation on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted family law and family court procedures, with a specific focus on

A pandemic resource from CCJ/COSCA

Each year more than 83 million cases are filed in the nation's courts. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, in almost all cases, tens of millions of court users had no choice about whether to visit a courthouse to resolve their case; they were required to appear in

One-Day Law School for Journalists presented by Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts and The Philadelphia Inquirer

Keynote Presentation - Judge Cynthia M. Rufe, Eastern District of Pennsylvania

July 16, 2020

Thank you to Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts, Penn Law, and the Philadelphia Inquirer for

On June 24, 2020, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts hosted a One-Day Law School for Journalists™ in partnership with Penn State Law and Penn State Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications.

The virtual program concluded with a panel discussion on The Tension Between a Fair Trial and an Informed